среда, 21 марта 2012 г.

Hiring foreign national employees foreign companies in 2013 requires submitting certain applications no later than 27 April 2012.

Companies intending to hire foreign national employees in 2013 need to submit their applications stating their need for foreign national employees no later than 27 April 2012

All companies planning to employ foreign national employees in 2013 that a corresponding application must be submitted (hereinafter – the “Application”) by 27 April 2012.

The timely filing of the Application is mandatory if a company plans to obtain a permit to employ foreign nationals and receive individual work permits for foreign national employees. The authorities will use submitted Applications to determine quotas for hiring foreign national employees in 2013. Please note that current practice suggests that, even if you file the above Application promptly, this does not guarantee that such a permit will be granted.

When filing the Application, the employer must comply with certain additional formalities, including the following:

• register the company on the following web-site: www.migrakvota.gov.ru;
• complete an electronic application on this web-site;
• print out two copies of the completed application;
• send one of the completed printed applications to the competent authorities of the constituent entity in Russia, where it is anticipated that the foreign national employees will work.

Employers should also submit Applications by the above deadline if they need to amend quotas that have already been received for the year 2012.

As collection of relevant data could take much time, I recommend that employers prepare and submit relevant Applications as soon as possible. Otherwise there is a risk that an employer may be restricted from employing foreign national employees in 2013.

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